I have been tagged by Miss Gustafson. It involves disclosing eight random things about oneself. I doubt I am that interesting. Here goes.
1. It's my personal ambition to write and illustrate children's books. Well, actually, I do that now. I suppose what I really want is to get them *published*.
2. I have been in the same room (at the same time) with Barack Obama, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Mike Gravel, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich. I have also spoken to--and shaken--Al Gore's hand.
3. I like my nose in SL.
4. I own my own freelance illustration business IRL. It's a bit of a struggle now, and very much a rollercoaster ride. But I love it! Now that I don't have to punch a clock, or scrape car windows every morning, or do jobs that aren't in my job description. It's like being born again, or some such.
5. I have traveled to four foreign countries from the United States). Mexico, Bahamas, Denmark, and the USSR. As a side note, I have traded on the black market in Minsk, while Soviet tanks and missiles were being paraded down the streets. I have also seen the changing of the guard at Lenin's Tomb--on the Fourth of July.
6. Deliberately mean or evil people really piss me off. I allow others more charitable than I to covert them to goodness. Don't cross the line around me.
7. I have partied with JY from Styx at an annual party that has been held for over one hundred years. The organization is the Indiana Society of Chicago, of which I am an Honorary Vice President.
8. My other personal ambition has always been to have a wife, and children, and a beautiful house. I want to write Santa letters to them at Christmastime, and instill a sense of joy, wonder, and imagination in their lives.
The rules say that I must now pick eight people to tag, and they may participate also. Since I am late to this party, I'm sure some of my choices have already been tagged. Heck, I don't even know if these people have blogs! Let the chips fall where they may: Jules Whittlesea, EllisDee Welinder, Drystan Knight, Kandace Commons, Fushcia Begonia, Lapin Paris, Violet Schnabel, Roberto Viking.
Teh Ruhlz:
The rules of tagging are simple, and as follows.
(1) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
(2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
(3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
(4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog